1. Ranges are to consist of 15, 3-D targets of any brand with the official TK scoring rings.
2. All targets should be good enough to prevent an arrow from passing through the vital area of the target and score rings should be defined and scoreable. In the case of a target reaching the pass-through state (arrows passing completely through the target and/or burying beyond the nock) or becoming un-scoreable during a tournament, range officials should be notified ASAP for the appropriate target replacement, repair, angle change, etc. Groups should make a majority ruling on the placement of the arrow or judgment call in the absence of a definable line.
3. Shooters WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER more than one class during a weekend. Only one of these maybe a non-rangefinder class. This non-rangefinder class must be shot first. Only one non-rangefinder class maybe entered in a single event.
4. Targets are set at distances not less than 3 yards and up to the following max. yardages as determined by host range’s official range finder for the event:
A) 60 yards maximum Orange
B) 50 yards maximum Purple
C) 40 yards maximum Red
D) 30 yards maximum White
C) 25 yards maximum Blue
5. Targets must be set in a manner that will allow the shooter to determine, what the animal simulation is and its angle of presentation. However, obstruction of the vital area is legal, so long as it is possible for the arrow to travel an un-deflected (which does NOT mean visually unobstructed) path to a portion of the vitals that must allow the possibility of scoring within the entire 15 and a portion of any other score rings that maybe available near 15 ring of the True Kill “TK” scoring rings of the target by the shooter sitting, kneeling, leaning, twisting, and/or using arrow arch. (Shooters should not have to hit the obstructions. However over, under, between and/or around is perfectly acceptable. A shot should not be changed if shooter hits obstructions while refusing to break form and/or makes an era in yardage judgment.)
6. All targets must be positioned in a manner that is appropriate for the score rings to support proper shot placement for the shot presentation. Headshots are not allowed. (Clarification point: targets may be angled so long as the intended shot placement would constitute a double-vital pass through and/or a heart shot on the animal target in question for all stakes.)
7. In the event that a target has multiple score zones visible to shooters at the same time, shooters in each group should agree on which rings best simulate a True Kill shot for the shot presentation before the first shot is taken. Shots placed in the wrong rings by a shooter claiming to have misunderstood which rings the group agreed to shoot will be scored as to how they lay according to the rings the group had designated.
1. Official THE “TK” (True Kill) scoring areas are as follows per the angle presented to the shooter:
16 or "&1"- area designated as a bonus just above or centered within, the 15 ring. (Depending on animal and shot angle)
15 - heart sized area positioned to represent a heart pass thru.
12 - double vital area positioned to rep. double lung, liver lung, etc. pass thru.
10 - single vital area positioned to rep. single lung, liver pass thru.
-5 - any part of animal outside the represented vital area.
0 - complete miss, glace off, bounce out, OR PASS
2. There will be two score keepers required at all THE events.
3. All registration and shooting information on each scorecard must be filled out legibly or the shooter FORFITS ALL RIGHTS TO AWARDS. This includes classes, dates, contact info, etc. Any space on the scorecard that does not pertain to the shooter should have "N/A" written in the blank.
4. Shots must be scored by scorekeepers before arrows are pulled. 1st offense puller of the arrow or arrows will receive a zero and warning and the group will make a majority ruling as to where the arrow or arrows were in the target. 2nd offense puller of the arrow or arrows will receive a -5. 3rd offense and the shooter will be disqualified.
5. Score keeper should start keeping score for each round on the corresponding number as to where the group begins shooting. This is so that in the event of a tie and/or one shooter questioning the score of another, we can be the utmost fair. If a shooter makes a mistake and starts keeping score on line one. However, the group actually started, for example on target 5. Then, the score keeper may write number 1 beside line 5 to indicate this is where the round began.
6. To score, arrows must be stuck in the target. (Clarification point: Arrows must be judged while in target, not after being pulled. If you are unsure enough to need to pull the arrow to see if it is in or out of a line, then it MUST be called in.)
a. If while the group is attempting to make a line call the shooter in question pulls his or her arrow, they will receive the lower score in question.
b. If while the group is attempting to make a line call another shooter pulls the arrow in question the shooter receives the higher score in question.
7. If two or more parts of a broken arrow are stuck in the target, the shooter only receives a score if the actual target point is present and stuck in the target. If no target point is present then no score is given.
8. Upon final tally, tie scores will be broken based on the following:
a) the least # of -5's
b) the least # of 0's
c) the most # of 16's / "&1"
d) the most # of 15's
e) the most # of 12's
f) the most # of 10's
In the event of a perfect tie, a sudden-death tiebreaker will be based on the scorecards from that shoot starting with shot number one on the card. Beyond that will be a sudden death shoot-off in which a shoot official will judge all scoring and line calls. (Clarification point: It is the responsibility of the shooter to make sure that the scorekeeper starts the scorecard on the correct line corresponding to the target number on which their group starts.)
9. An arrow that strikes another arrow on the way to the target, regardless of the impact angle, and physically damages the nock, shaft or fletching of that arrow, rendering the arrow unsafe to shoot, will receive the same score as the damaged arrow regardless of where any deflection may have placed the arrow. (This is why we have our gentleman’s rules.)
10. If the outer edge arrow is touching the outer edge of a line, the shooter receives the higher score. (Clarification point: Touching means NO visible space between the arrow shaft and the outer edge of the line in question. This means without manipulating the arrow into a position that it would touch. Also, this does not mean that just because your arrow manipulated the line to push inward or pull outward. It simply means touching. If it is questionable then call it in and move on.)
11. If a group is unable to reach a majority ruling on a line call, the shooter shall receive the benefit of the doubt with the higher score. (Clarification point: just as a tie goes to the runner in baseball.)
12. If an arrow passes completely threw a target. The shooter receives the score if the group 100% agrees where the arrow hit/entered the target in question. If the group doesn’t agree then the shooter may reshoot said target, until the group agrees. (Complete pass through should be reported by the group to THE staff know ASAP)
13. Bounce off for 10 yd max Youth Class ONLY! will be reshot until the entire group agrees where the youth shooter hits the target. If the entire group agrees on the first shot shooter receives that score.
1. All age and gender related classes are optional. (Youth can enter classes above their age bracket including adult classes. Women as well are welcome to compete in classes set aside for them by gender but again are not required.)
2. All classes that are determined by age will be, age as of January 1st, of the current season.
3. It is the responsibility of the shooter to know all the rules pertaining to his/her class and make sure he/she is assigned the proper class, shooting stake, and range. Once a shooter shoots their first target he/she may not change classes. If the shooter does not qualify to shoot a class entered by mistake, shooter is disqualified from that round in the tournament. No refund will be issued.
4. Shooters may petition THE to look at special circumstances that might allow a shooter move back down to a lower class. THE will carefully review the circumstances presented. Any ruling will be final.
2025 available classes
Seniors 50 years and up Rangefinder 40 yd max-any bow, adjustable or stationary sight devises, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
Men's Rangefinder 60 yd max-any bow, adjustable or stationary sight devises, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
Men's Rangefinder 40 yd max-any bow, adjustable or stationary sight devises, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
Women's Rangefinder 30 yd max-any bow, adjustable or stationary sight devises, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
Women's Rangefinder 50 yd max-any bow, adjustable or stationary sight devises, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
Rangefinder Co-ed Beginner- 30 yd max- any bow, adjustable or stationary sight devises, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
Single Pin Fixed-30 yd max- any bow, stationary sight devise with single pin or locked adjustable sight devises, stabilizer up to but not more than 24”, from the point of contact/attachment to the bow.
Traditional - 25 yd max- any recurve or long bow with no sights. A rest and plunger are all that may reside within the sight window. A draw check on the bow or string is acceptable so long as it cannot also be used as a sight. Stabilizers up to 24 inches. No release aid only finger protection. All shooting forms are acceptable. Such as over, under, or spilt finger release. Sting or face walking, as well as point of aim, gap, and shaft aiming styles. Of course, as well as instinctive which is just an advanced version of one or more of the above concepts. If it makes you more accurate with this type of equipment without actually adding a sight, then so be it. Our goal is to make hunters more lethal.
Youth 17 and under- 30 yd max- any bow any sight devise, magnification is legal, any release, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions.
12 Youth and under- 20 yd max- any bow any sight devise, magnification is legal, any release, any stabilizer. Shoot what you bring no restrictions. This class all will be awarded a participation dog tag.
Each class shall shoot from the following shooting stakes:
a) 60 yards orange- Men's Rangefinder 60
b) 50 yards purple- Women's Rangefinder 50
c) 40 yards red - Men's Rangefinder 40, Senior's 50 and up Rangefinder
d) 30 yards white - Women's Rangefinder 30, Rangefinder Co-ed Beginner, Single-Pin Fixed, Youth 17 and under
e) 25 yards blue - Traditional
f) 12 and under shoot from wherever they feel comfortable or challenged.
12. Shooters may "test" their abilities in a higher age/skill bracket a maximum of 3 times during a shooting year. After the 3rd entry in a higher age bracket, they must stay in the higher bracket for the duration of the year. However, if during this test period a shooter post a score of over 300 said shooter must remain in the higher age/skill set class for the remainder of the season. Youth shooters of a higher age bracket will not be allowed to drop back to a lower age bracket for any reason.
13. Shooters shooting in protected classes: Rangefinder Co-ed Beginners, have three to advanced up into higher level classes, score a 385 or better in the class one time to move up. Score 360 twice in the same season time to move up. Win 1st three times with scores above 340 and it is time to move up. This class is not designed for you stay a beginner, but rather a protected place for you to get started.
1. When shooting, the shooter must TOUCH the stake with some portion of his/her body. If a shooter UNINTENTIONALLY loses contact with the shooting stake or tile while attempting a shot. so long as the group agrees the shooter was attempting to shoot in the intended position. This is a legal shot.
2. If a shooter INTENTIONAL loses or doesn't attempt to come in contact with the shooting stake and is verbally warned by a group member before the shot is fired, then the shooter must make contact before the shot is released or receive a zero for the shot in question. If the shooter does not comply he/she will receive a zero for said shot. if this happens a second time the shooters score will be disqualified.
3. When drawing a bow, shooters should always draw bows in the direction of the intended target - never to the side or upward in a sky drawn direction. Safety first! Only one warning will be given.
4. It is against THE rules to write and/or record the yardage of targets on first round of shooting and to use for reference to the next round.
5. Stakes farthest from the target must be shot first unless otherwise directed. This is for the safety of all shooters.
6. All groups must shoot from multiple stakes where applicable. All targets must be shot before any advancement to pull arrows. If a shooter shoots the same target twice, the score of the second arrow will be counted as a 0. If the majority of the group cannot decide which arrow was shot second, the higher score will be counted as 0.
7. There is a 2-minute maximum time for the first shooter, and 1-minute maximum time for following shooters. This time is to begin when:
a) 1st shooter of the group - as soon as the target is cleared by the preceding group or if the target is unoccupied, or as soon as your group reaches the target lane.
b) following shooters - when the shooter preceding you clears the shooting stake.
8. The maximum time to complete the course should be calculated as follows. The time allotted for each person shooting in the group plus 5 minutes per target to walk and score arrows. Any shooter still on a range after this time limit will have their score cards turned in and scored as they stand without finishing the course. THE Staff may extend this time if terrain, weather, course layout, crowd, etc. warrant the need.
9. It is each shooter’s responsibility to see that his/her group stays within the time limits.
10. Once a shooter has reached full draw, a controlled letdown must be verbally announced prior to the shot. If an arrow is launched down-range during a controlled letdown, it may be re-shot without penalty unless the arrow hits the target.
11. If a shooter launches an arrow out of his/her reach during the process of coming to full draw. Shooter may re-shoot the arrow without penalty so long as the entire group agrees that it was not an intentional release, and the shooter had not yet reached full draw. (Clarification point: unless the arrow hits the target)
12. Any arrow that can be reached by the shooter while still touching the stake may be re-shot without penalty so long as it is not touching the target.
13. If any part of the archer's equipment fails during a shot, that arrow maybe re-shot after the repair has been made. This only applies to the target the shooter is at when he/she realizes that the malfunction has occurred.
14. Shooters may alter obstructions that can be reached while they are touching the stake. Any altering of obstructions down-range or out of their reach while touching the stake will result in disqualification.
#Gentleman Rules
1. If a shooter approaches the shooting stake, prepares to take the shot and realize that an arrow that has previously been shot is obstructing his/her shot placement. He/she may demand that the arrow/arrows be removed. Shooters may not request the removal of their own arrow. If two or more shooters have shot said target, then all that have shot the target will advance score all arrows and remove them. If only the shooter whose arrow is in question has shot said target, then only that shooter will advance, score and pull the arrow. (Anyone taking this opportunity to cheat, shame on you.)
2. Play-Through Rule - any "fast shooting" group must be allowed to pass through and shoot ahead of any group. This allows "fast shooting" groups not to get frustrated at the wait and slower groups who are still within the time guidelines to shoot without feeling pressured to hurry.
3. Gallery rule - We have no gallery rule. We are all here, to have a good time. make friends and shoot our bows.
4. If any shooter flairs up in anger and threatens another shooter for any reason, that shooter may be disqualified on the spot. ("Fighting is against the rules and it doesn't matter why.")
1. There must be at least three people assigned to a shooting group and with not more than five unless a shoot official orders for more or less shooters under extenuating circumstances. However, groups of less than three shooters MUST be accompanied by a shoot official. (Clarification point: If, you shot a round in a group that does not fit into these guidelines and a protest is filed with THE you will be disqualified.)
2. Groups can/will be divided and busted at random at State and World events only. Groups of any size are considered to be busted so long as there is at least one shooter in the group that is not part of their family or regular shooting group. (Clarification point: Obviously we can’t separate everyone just because they know each other. Isn’t getting to know everyone one of the reasons we go to these events in the first place.)
3. Once a shooter begins shooting a course, he/she must finish with that group unless re-assigned by a shoot official.
1. Deerman's THE 3-D does NOT have a maximum arrow speed for any class. (Clarification point – This is for few reasons: most ranges do not own a chronograph & with today’s technological advances, speed limits are no longer needed to level playing field, and hunters are purchasing equipment that straight out of the box, breaks speed limits set by other organization. With real hunting setups.)
2. THE strongly recommends that all equipment be shot within each manufacturer’s suggested standards.
3. Equipment failures are determined by the shooter. The shooter must have his/her scorecard initialed by the score keeper of the group as an equipment failure. The scorecards of the shooter with the equipment failure will be totaled and initialed by group scorekeepers before leaving the range. At that time, the shooter with the failure only must proceed forward through the course to the range registration and notify a THE Staff Member. The shooter has 30 minutes from that point to make repairs and check equipment on practice range before checking back in at the range registration for re-entry. If there are three or more shooters remaining in the group, they may continue shooting. If two or less shooters remain, they must join the following group or wait for a THE Staff Member to join the group before continuing. All persons re-entering the range must be escorted and/or directed by a THE Staff Member. Any shooter not following these guidelines may be disqualified.
Entry Fees & Awards
1. Entry fees for members all classes are as follows: Non-Buckle events $25 Men's classes $15 Women and Youth classes, State and World events - $30 Men's classes $20 Women and Youth Classes. World Event $35 Men's classes $25 Women and youth classes. All non-members pay an additional $10 to any given class
1. If any shooter suspects that another is cheating but cannot prove it, he or she has the right to request privately to a THE Staff member, to shoot with the shooter in question at any following THE event or ask that someone trusted be placed with the shooter in question. (If it is not handled in private manner as described above, then disciplinary action could be taken against either party involved.)
2. Protest of another shooter is to be filed with Deerman's THE 3-D. Protest must be made within 48 hours of the incident in question. No protest will be heard by any person until a $50 protest fee is sent to Deerman's THE 3-D. Final ruling will be made by the THE Executive Members within ten days of the event. If your protest is upheld then you will be refunded your protest fee. (Clarification point: there is no fee for shot protest.)
3. If a shooter wishes to protest the legality of a shot he/she must refuse to shoot the target having his card initialed by the score keeper of the group as a protest and circle the number of that target. After the shooter shoots the target, no protests of will be heard. When the protesting shooter finishes that round, he/she will be allowed to return to the target with a official THE Staffer and explain the protest. If the target is not legal, then the Staffer will make the minimum changes necessary to make the target fit within THE guidelines. Legal changes may include manipulating obstructions, target replacement, repair, angle change, etc. The shooter can then take the shot. However, if the Staffer does not agree with the protest, he or she must explain how the shooter in question should be able to compete the shot. If said shooter then attempts the shot but hit an obstruction that is in question and has the proper yardage judged, then said obstruction must be removed. The shooter may shoot the target for a score or refuse to shoot and receive a zero for said Target.
1. T.H.E. 3-D shoot calendar is defined from World Championship to the World Championship.
2. Littering the tournament grounds will not be tolerated. Any shooter caught littering may be disqualified.
3. No alcoholic beverages may be carried or consumed on any range or practice area by anyone during shooting hours. Also any person thought to be intoxicated at an event will be asked to leave the premises. Law enforcement officers will be called if necessary. This rule MUST be enforced at all THE sanctioned events.
4. The press and spectators are welcome at all THE events so long as they do not interfere with any shooters ability to compete.
5. All world records can only be set at a Deerman's THE 3-D World Championship tournament. All State/Area/Regional records can be set at any event hosted within that State/Area/Region. This excludes the World Event. This is due to THE’s ability or inability to control difficulty from event to event.
6. If any type of circumstance arises that these rules do not cover, the range manager will make the final ruling. The incident is to be reported to Deerman's THE 3-D officials for review and the addition of a new rule. Regardless of how the rule is written, the original decision will stand for that instance.
7. THE reserves the right and the authority to modify any rule that is necessary to accommodate a handicap shooter.
8. All rules and guidelines apply to everyone, including all Range & THE Officials, Members, Reps, Hosts, Competitors, Spectators, Press, etc.
9. To compete in any events hosted by THE, the shooter does not have to be a resident of the state where shoot is being held, qualify to compete, or be a THE member. Come one come all.
10. All interpretations of the rules in this rulebook begin and end with Deerman’s Association Members.
11. THE reserves the right to change rules at any time throughout any given season, if rendered necessary and by the Deerman’s Association Members.
12. THE reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any event due to weather, breach of range contract, or any other unforeseen factors.